Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Iraq War Casualties

By Basheert @ 4:38pm MDT

I have been following this website for months - at first, it was "just" a website, but it now serves as a daily reminder of what this Administration is doing to our young men and women it has deemed to be hamburger for the Bush meatgrinder.

Watch it climb, daily, and frequently moment by moment.



PrissyPatriot said...

Good Evening Everyone,

Basheert good to see you posting too and thanks for remembering our soldiers. I have been very busy with the "anniversary" of the war coming up...

S-Q I found the pantyhose with the seam down the back to go with my WAC outfit for next weekend;-)

Geffy you'll like this-I chose my own ribbons (WWII) National Defense, Good Conduct and WWII victory over another Hitler...

I see Hill is pressuring Gonzo to resign big whoop-did she suddenly remember she was a lawyer and that the Constitution really DOES matter??

Prissy has no hugs for Hillary; the little warmonger...

Suzie-Q (S-Q) said...


Excellent website! Thank you for sharing with all of us! It's not a pretty picture, is it Justice Bloggers?

Hi Prissy:

Oh, the seamed pantyhose? Those are sexy! hehe