Saturday, March 17, 2007

Committee on Oversight and Government....CIA Agent Leak...

By S-Q @ 5:50 PM MDT

Transcript from the Committee on Oversight and Government:

REP. WAXMAN: Thank you very much. The chair will recognize himself to start off the questions.

Mr. Knodell, you're the one in charge at the White House for safeguarding classified information, isn't that correct?

MR. KNODELL: That's correct.

REP. WAXMAN: And in -- in doing so, you have an executive order, 12958, that implements the regulations for protection of this information. I want to ask you about that and, of course, we're looking at it in the context of Mrs. Wilson's identity being disclosed. Federal regulations require that any person who has knowledge of the loss or compromise of classified information has an obligation to report to the White House security officer. I'm going to read from 5 CFR Section 1312.30, "Any White House employee who has knowledge of the loss or possible compromise of classified information should report the circumstances to the EOP security officer," end quote. Is that accurate, Mr. Knodell?

MR. KNODELL: Yes, it is.

REP. WAXMAN: And do White House officials who know about the disclosure of classified information have an obligation to report what they know to you?

MR. KNODELL: Yes, sir.

REP. WAXMAN: And Mr. Leonard, you're one of the nation's experts on protection of classified information.

Do federal officials who learn of the possible breach of classified information have an obligation to report it to the security officer at the White House?

MR. LEONARD: Any individual who becomes aware of a security violation, especially one which may involve an unauthorized disclosure, has the obligation to promptly report that matter to the designated official to receive it.

More Transcript


KitNeill said...

I worship at the God of C-Span. I came home from work - 6 hours later here than DC time - and got to see the entire thing from beginning to end, repeated.

I lived for many years in Henry Waxman's district. He's great. I have never regretted voting for him. He's a born politician in the best sense of the word - he works for the people! So I'm happy he's got this committee because he won't be intimidated and knows his stuff.

Poor Knodell, that must have seemed such a cushy job. High salary, do nothing, swallow your ethics and impress your friends.

This faucet is no longer dripping, it's gushing full out. Valerie Plame was an excellent witness, clear, concise and those bullies cost her a selfless career in public service.

AngryMan said...

Is it just me, or is Plame totally hot?

Suzie-Q (S-Q) said...

Hi Angry Man!

Valerie Plame is a very intelligent lady and attractive too!