Wednesday, March 14, 2007

The Spin, I'm In!

by Global Evildoer Fighter @ 7:04 PM EDT

A dedication to our Troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and who knows where else!



Global_Evildoer_Fighter said...

That's Louis B. Armstron

The Great Satchmo...

Ohhhh Yeahhhhh!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Nobody likes Alberto.

Sununu also calling for Gonzales resignation.

Get in line, pal...

Suzie-Q (S-Q) said...

I love Louie Armstrong! That's a great video too! ;)

God Bless Our Troops and Let's Bring Them Home!!

Global_Evildoer_Fighter said...

I got an idea, Let's forget about the Republican and Democrat divide and conquer bit and become Americans again and do ONLY the right thing for our Country...

Suzie-Q (S-Q) said...


That's a great idea! Unite and not divide! That works for me!! ;)

Suzie-Q (S-Q) said...

I think our country is going through a change process and it's going to get better now! ;)

Move over Dark Side..LOL