Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Come'On Dem's... Crack That Whip!!

by S-Q @ 1:50 PM MDT

© 2007 Stephen Pitt


Harry Reid: Bush veto delays funding for the troops
by Joe Sudbay (DC) · 4/03/2007 12:47:00 PM ET

Harry Reid is blunt as usual. If Bush wants the money for his war, he can sign the bill that Congress is sending him. It's not that complicated:

The President today asked the American people to trust him as he continues to follow the same failed strategy that has drawn our troops further into an intractable civil war. The President's policies have failed and his escalation endangers our troops and hurts our national security. Neither our troops nor the American people can afford this strategy any longer.

Democrats will send President Bush a bill that gives our troops the resources they need and a strategy in Iraq worthy of their sacrifices. If the President vetoes this bill he will have delayed funding for troops and kept in place his strategy for failure.

Devo - Whip It


Suzie-Q (S-Q) said...

Come on Pelosi and Reid et al...

crack that whip!! hehe

Geezer Power said...

Sorry about the simultanious post...lol Guess I beat ya to it on this one...;)

Suzie-Q (S-Q) said...

That's okay... no problem..it's whenever we have time to post. :) The main thing is getting the news out there..timing isn't that relevant. ;)

Geezer Power said...

Give'm hell Harry

Arbusto {aka shrub} is asking the peeps to trust him. We trust him allright.


1 Lie

2 Destroy evidence

3 Trash the constitution

4 Put sympathetic cronies in high places

5 Undermine the processes of honest government in so many places that a philadelphia lawyer
would yearn for the brain of Henry Waxman.

Suzie-Q (S-Q) said...

1 Lie

2 Destroy evidence

3 Trash the constitution

4 Put sympathetic cronies in high places


Yep! He has done all of that and too many times!
The chimp is out of control!

Basheert said...


Bush is on his way to his ranch and he's b**ching about the Dems also on vacation?


He has a bill that provides full funding...sign that you pig.

Suzie-Q (S-Q) said...


He really has the nerve to complain about the 110th Congress for being on vacation! The 109th Congress only worked Tues-Thurs... and the 110th has been working steadily 5-6 days a week!

Suzie-Q (S-Q) said...


I'm afraid if I were in Congress I would tell Dumbya to "go cut brush and shut the hell up!"


Geezer Power said...


Trust me

Suzie-Q (S-Q) said...


Yeah, they have stolen the U.S. Treasury for the next 20-30 years!